Friday, 12 December 2014

The Myanmar Border Guard Police reportedly raped at least four Rohingya women at gun-point in Duchiradan this early morning, the reliable sources say.

However, the victimized women hesitate to give confessions lest there should be backfires and more atrocities committed against them.

“Major Nyeing Chan Aung is a special BGP Commander Operative recently appointed by the state’s Chief Minister, Maj-Gen Maung Maung Ohn. So, he is allowed to commit crimes against Rohingyas with impunity.

Since his appointment, the atrocities against Rohingya have increased. His current base is the BGP Camp at the Gawduthara Bridge Post.

Around 2AM today, a few BGP personnel sneaked into a few Rohingya homes in Duchiradan (Du-Chi-Yar-Tan, Kilaidaung) and are said to have secretly waited inside the homes’ premise. As some Rohingya women came out at night to go for bathroom and washroom at night, they jumped into them. They abducted at least four of them at the gun-points and raped them to their heart-content.

Nobody knew they were trying to rape the women because it was like an ambush attack” said a Rohingya in the region asking not to be named.

“Nevertheless, they rape victims hesitate to reveal the details of the rapes in the fear of repeated atrocities and assaults by the BGP” he added.

The BGP, other police officers and the military committed multiple rapes against Rohingya women during the government-sponsored violence against the Rohingya at the village in January early this year.

No actions have been taken against the rapists.

Note: In rural areas of Arakan state, the lavatory or toilets are not attached with homes. They are built separately. So, people need to go out of their homes in case of their need to go to washroom, bathroom or lavatory.

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Maung daw, Arakan state, Myanmar (Burma)
I am an independent man who voted to humanitarian aid.