Thursday 17 November 2011

Authority plans to register so called black list baby in Maungdaw

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The concerned authority from Maungdaw is planning to register so called black list babies with some conditions today, according to official from Maungdaw.

The authority announced to Rohingya community only in Maungdaw to register the so called black list baby to near the Burma border security force (Nasaka) with two local elder witnesses and to bring a judgment from Maungdaw court with giving 400 kyats as fine, the officer said.

“The announcement was released after meeting high level officers from northern Arakan in Maungdaw.”

The so called black list baby was announced for northern Arakan by Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Khin Yi replied the questions raised by U Shwe Maung (a) U Adu Rawzak of Buthidaung Constituency, Arakan State Hluttaw representatives in the first Pyithu Hluttaw second regular session was held at Pyithu Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building on September 2.

The Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Khin Yi categorized the black list bay as black list baby issue is one of many significant aspects in population control measures in Maungdaw region of Rakhine State because of racial conditions; illegitimate children are those born to unmarried parents, defected father, once-defected father who returns illegally, widow, divorcee and single and while the marriage dossier is hearing; the identification of illegitimate children contributes to legal marriage, decrease in illegal relationship with once-defected husbands, and decline in birthrate by widow, divorcee and single; according to 2009 data, there are 7289 illegitimate children; as they grow up, the problem will be more complex as they will still be unrecognized, breaching regional laws, married illegally, giving birth and their newborns will also unrecognized; so, the plan is under way to charge the respective guardians in accord with the law and to add them to respective census.
“The Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Khin Yi only mention the black list baby is only found in northern Arakan where the Burmese government is using restriction for marriage to Rohingya community, not for other parts of Burma and other ethnic since long,” said a school teacher from Maungdaw.

“According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) stated its article number 16 that; Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution; Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses; the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State, but in northern Arakan, most of the Rohingya are not able to get marriage permission from authority for lack of financial status which the authority demand for it.”

“The Rohingya couples who had married without permission were going to flee from their home land for fear of arrest with 7 years jail term and the authority erased their name from their family list. The authority again violated UDHR article number 14 that everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution; this right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The Baby  who the authority called black list baby had made any violation against the law, why the baby has to go to the court for judgment and pay fine 400 kyats; the baby was born in northern Arakan and has rights to live in his/her birth place. The only fact is come from Rohingya community nothings else, said a politician from Maungdaw.

“Is there any Rakhine baby who categorized black list baby in northern Arakan or other part of Burma to go to court for judgment for his/her birth rights?

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Maung daw, Arakan state, Myanmar (Burma)
I am an independent man who voted to humanitarian aid.